Once again Heritage Academy will be participating in the Terry Fox School Run.
Our school goal for donations this year is $1000.00. Starting on Monday, September 18th students are encouraged to bring in donations. We will be tracking the school goal with a giant thermometer in the gym.
Donations can also be made online, using the following link: https://secure.terryfox.ca/registrant/TeamFundraisingPage.aspx?TeamID=749255#&panel1-1
Students and staff will be participating in the run on Thursday, September 28th from 12:35 until 3:00 PM at the Arboretum at Dow's Lake.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mr. DiFrancesco at difrancesco@heritage-academy.com or Ms. Sonego at sonego@heritage-academy.com
Once again, we always appreciate your support for Cancer research.