Heritage Hockey Tournament 2017

History of Our Hockey Tournament
For 16 years Heritage Academy has run a yearly tournament to support our school, staff, students and our athletics department.
These tournaments have gone a long way to support us in providing useful tools for our students and staff. From TV’s in every room, to projectors in almost every room, to a complete computer lab revamp, to Chromebooks for each teacher, etc. - this fundraiser has been a valued event.
This year and next year our goal is to raise 5000$ to put towards an outdoor activity center or play structure.
This Year's Tournament Overview
When: Friday, May 12th 2017; Starting at 9:00am
Where: Heritage Academy (Parents, Guardians, Friends and Family are welcome to attend!)
All proceeds from this tournament will go directly to purchasing an outdoor activity center or play structure.
Burgers, hot dogs drinks and other goodies will be available for purchase at the tournament.
1 ticket for 1$
3 tickets for 2$
10 tickets for 5$
When and Where to Purchase Your Raffle Tickets:
Everyday: In the small gym, from Mr. Mike, between 7:30am-8:15am
Everyday: From Mike, in Mr. Mike’s room (room beside the Blue room, in the Senior Hall) or during lunch in cafeteria
All of the items up for auction can be found on our Facebook, on our website (http://www.heritage-academy.com/), on our Twitter account (@HA_ottawaVP) and/or in
our gym.
To place a Auction bid:
1. Fill in your name and bid directly on the posters in our gym
2. E-mail Mr. Mike Lance at: lance@heritage-academy.com
How Can You Help?
We are looking for donations of raffle and/or auction items!