Upcoming Fundraisers and Community Involvement Opportunities At/With Heritage Academy
In the last 3 months of school, we have a couple of fundraising and community involvement opportunities that are either school led or student led initiatives! We are so very happy to see the heart that our students pour into these efforts to help a cause that they feel passionate about.
Please note that you are under ZERO OBLIGATION to support, sponsor and/or participate in any of these events!
In addition to the fundraisers outlined in the photo below we are also reminding everyone that we are still utilizing Fundscrip to add to our school-focused fundraising efforts. These proceeds will also go towards our outdoor activity center and/or play structure. Follow the link in this email, or the posted link on the Heritage Academy website, Facebook or Twitter page, place and pay for your gift card order on the Fundscrip website. The gift cards will be shipped directly to your address. Feel free to share the invitation code 83X42J with friends and family so we can increase our fundraising potential. This fundraiser doesn't cost you a penny more, it just asks you to change the way you pay for things! There are over 190 leading retailers to choose from for your gift cards (http://www.fundscrip.com/retailers). Thank you to the generous parents/guardians who have already utilized this initiative!
Thank you so much for your support!