Early Pick Up Request - Wednesday, February 7th (3:15pm)
Good Morning,
Please be advised that due to the "Special Weather Statement" currently in place through The Weather Network for the Ottawa region (https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/alerts/high-alert/ontario/ottawa) we are requesting early pick up.
All parents/guardians are asked to have their student(s) picked up today by 3:15pm. All classes end at 3:15pm. There will be no after school programming.
Please see below the Inclement Weather & School Closure Policy that was sent out to all Parents & Guardians on January 25th, 2018.
Inclement Weather & School Closure Policy
During the winter months, inclement weather may cause the disruption of regular school operations. Parents/guardians are reminded to review the inclement weather information below for the 2017-2018 school year. In case of poor weather, the decision to close schools and/or cancel buses is communicated to parents by 6:30 a.m. in the following ways. It is always a parent/guardian's decision whether to send their child to school on inclement weather days when there has NOT been a full school closure. Parents/guardians who make the decision to keep their child at home are asked to contact their child's teacher(s) to receive an update on what their child is missing as regular classes will still be in effect. Since communication is key in alerting families to the status of school operations and busing, we use a variety of methods to communicate this important information including: Methods of Communication
Heritage Academy Website - www.heritage-academy.com
Heritage Academy Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ottawaprivateschooldyslexia/
Heritage Academy Twitter - https://twitter.com/HA_ottawaVP
Heritage Academy Reception E-Mail Response - If you write into the school at the: reception@heritage-academy.com e-mail you will get an automatic response to confirm the closure.
*In order to make these methods of communication successful, please ensure that you have appropriately set up notifications via these social media outlets, so that you receive this information as soon as it is sent out.
Email Notifications on Inclement Weather & School Closure Days
The Director, Vice Principal & Reception will be sending out the school closure e-mail by 6:30am. Delays in email delivery can be caused by limitations of parents' Internet Service Provider (ISP) receiving our messages and spam protection. For this reason, the social media outlets are supplementary.
Before & After School Programming on Inclement Weather & School Closure Days
On all inclement weather days when the school is not closed, there will be disruptions to our before & after school programming. Before school programming could be available later than the usual time of 7:30am. After school programming will always be cancelled on both inclement weather days and school closure days. All students must be picked up at regular school dismissal time of 3:15pm.