On Monday, January 21st there was an article published regarding Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary in Kemptville, Ontario - as seen here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/kemptville-animal-sanctuary-heating-barns-1.4986083 and the article grabbed our attention for two reasons - this was a local community establishment that we have never visited and one with a true need that perhaps even our small school community could help. So we contacted the sanctuary and asked them if we could visit their establishment this Friday and in hand bring donations for their furry friends in need. They were astonished to hear such a gesture and are more than willing to welcome us on Friday with open arms and hearts!
Thank you to all of the wonderful families that donated as a small school we managed to raise over 1000$ for the sanctuary!! This donation will go a very long way to help heat the barns over the winter.
More information about the sanctuary can be found here: https://www.bigskyranch.ca/