EcoQuest 2015 - Camping Excursion
Last week (May 13th to the 15th) the EcoQuest students along with Mr. Emerson, Mr. Joly and Ms. Rowney-Giroux attended a 3 day camping excursion at Bonnenfant Y Outdoor Education and Leadership Centre in Dunrobin. From start to finish, it was an amazing experience full of learning for the students about theirselves, their abilities and the natural world around them.
Day 1 & 2: The first two days were filled with leadership and teamwork games, low rope challenges, high rope challenges, rock climbing, hiking, canoeing, bon fires and story sharing!
Day 3: Our last day brought us again to new high rope challenges, micro site studies and goodbyes! All in all the EcoQuest students learned a lot about the natural world around them and a lot about themselves. Bonnenfant Y Outdoor Education Centre is truly amazing!