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Annual Jiu Jitsu Tournament: June 2017

On Saturday, June 10th we are inviting all of our current Jiu Jitsu students and their families to join us in our 3rd annual Jiu Jitsu tournament. We are very excited for the tournament this year as there will be outstanding medals awarded to our 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed athletes as well as participation medals for everyone!

There will be many different divisions during the day, we cannot guarantee the time of the matches. We also strongly encourage everyone to stay and cheer.

During the tournament there will be hot dogs, drinks and baked goods available for purchase.

There is NO ENTRY FEE for this tournament; however donations to go back into the program are welcome.

The permission form and disclaimer will go out to all participating students today. Please return the completed form by June 7th.

For more information please feel free to contact us: and/or


Sensei Mike Lance and Sensei Phillip Jones

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