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Tax Information Evening Follow Up

Our tax information evening hosted by H.A.S.C and presented by Ottawa Tax services along with Registered Disability Savings Program Specialists Ms. Lisa Whittleton and Troy Mulvey was extremely informative and well received by all of the parents/guardians that were able to make it out. We have had many more parents/guardians reach out to obtain the information given that night. The exact presentation is not able to be sent out, however for more information please feel free to contact our presenters.

Registered Disability Savings Program Specialists

Troy Mulvey:

(613) 878-5148

Lisa Whittleton:

(613) 322-2708

Ottawa Tax Services - Disability Tax Credit

Susan Kent:

(613) 355-7470

Information sheets published by the CRA on the Disability Tax Credit are now available in our offices.

For more information on the Disability Tax Credit please click below:

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